Peter Lynn Products

dinsdag 17 september 2013

Yes ! is going to sponsor me with a new kiteboard, ,...not a normal one, but a sit-kiteboard.
This is going to be shaped especially for me, if all works well, I hope to get on the water asap to train,...
Train for what ? ,....well what about crossing the Englisch channel !!,.....this is my next goal,..
After several years of racing on the highest level, Personal speed records on the drylakes in Las Vegas,..3 years in a row,...Also a EC 4th ranking in 2012,...I think it is time to do something more now.
Peter Lynn Kites will provide the Kites, will provide the board,
Xxtreme will make the structure on the board,..
Only thing I need is to train, train and train, get myself prepared to do the trip.
I will certainly never stop Kite buggying, but this is my personal extention of the kitesport ..with a handicap,.
I will keep you informed ,....
good winds !.

zondag 10 februari 2013

Long time Ago,...

So, was a long time ago since I could write on my blog,...lost some credentials to enter and edit my blog,....hopefully some more news in the future..